
On December 13th, 2019, at the Laboratory of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI Headquarters), the kick-off meeting of the IMFire project was held.

This meeting, coordinated by Professor Carlos Viegas, who is the project’s principal researcher, was attended by all partners of the Consortium.

The objectives of this meeting consisted in the presentation of each partner and the elements engaged to the project, the communication of the administrative and technical rules, and the discussion of the overall project strategy.

The next tasks to be developed by each partner were also defined and scheduled.

Master Research Grant

The Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial (ADAI) opens a tender for the award of one (1) Research Grant (BI) for Master in the framework of the Scientific Research and Technological Development Project (IC&DT) IMFire – “Intelligent Management of Wildfires” with reference PCIF/SSI/0151/2018, Mechanical engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or similar.

Scientific area:

Mechanical engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or similar.

Admission Requirements:

Masters who are enrolled, or who undertake to apply shortly after awarding the scholarship, in a doctoral program in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Engineering, Physical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or similar areas may apply. Candidates should preferably have a good knowledge of fire dynamics and behavior. Knowledge of numerical modeling, Matlab and Python programming and good knowledge of spoken and written English are also valued.

Work Plan:

The selected candidate will develop tasks in the field of fire behavior modeling to produce state of the art algorithms and models for integration into a decision support system in the context of forest fires and wildland-urban interface. Tasks include:

1) Thorough research and analysis of state-of-the-art fire behavior models;

2) Adaptation of existing models to the decision support system platform;

3) Optimization of existing models and production of new wildfire behavior models;

4) Virtual simulation, testing and experimental validation of results and models obtained;

5) Production of scientific reports and articles based on the work developed;

6) Participation in the dissemination tasks and appreciation of the results obtained.

This protection results from the consortium between the research centers ADAI, ISR-UC, ADDF and the company Thales Portugal S.A .

Formalization of applications :

Applications should be sent in pdf format to the following email addresses, e, putting in the subject of the email: IMFire-BI-ADAI. The following documentation must be submitted: Curriculum Vitae (CV), Certificate of Qualifications including breakdown of the grades obtained in the subjects of the respective course and final grade, and letter of motivation. Applicants with foreign academic degrees must present Certificate of Level Recognition in accordance with applicable law.

Deadline for applications:

The submission is open from 1st to 16th june, 2021

Legislação e regulamentação aplicável:

Scientific Research Grant Holder Statute, approved by Law No. 40/2004 of August 18, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012 of August 27, by Decree-Law No. 89/2013 of 9 July, by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of October 29, and by Law No. 12/2013 of January 29, and amended by Decree-Law No. 123/2019 of August 28, as amended  (https: // and FCT, I. P Research Fellowship Regulation, in force ( .


The work will be developed at the facilities of the ADAI, specifically in the Laboratório de Aerodinâmica Industrial (LAI), R. Pedro Hispano 12, 3030-790 Coimbra, Portugal, under the scientific supervision of Doctor Carlos Xavier Pais Viegas and Professor Doctor Domingos Xavier Filomeno Carlos Viegas.

Scholarship duration:

The scholarship will last for 6 months, with the possibility of renewal during the duration of the project, according to the grantee’s performance, on an exclusive basis, according to FCT’s advanced human resources training regulation.

Amount of monthly maintenance allowance:

The amount of the scholarship corresponds to € 1104.64, according to the table of values of the scholarships awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the Country (

Selection methods:

The selection methods to be used will be: curriculum evaluation, with a value of 50% for academic qualifications and 50% for the degree of satisfaction of knowledge and experience requirements. If the Jury deems it necessary, an interview may be held with the candidates placed in the first three positions according to the ordering resulting from the previous criteria. In this case, the final score will include the curriculum assessment (as described above), valued at 90%, and the interview, valued at 10%. If none of the candidates has the appropriate profile (overall assessment below 50%), the scholarship will not be awarded.

Selection Jury Composition:

President: Professor Doutor Domingos Xavier Filomeno Carlos Viegas Vogais: Doutor Carlos Xavier Pais Viegas and Doutor Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo

Form of publicity / notification of results:

The final results of the evaluation will be publicized, through a list ordered by final grade obtained, and the candidates will be notified via email.


Vacant posts: 1

Type of contract: Informação não disponível

Job country: Portugal

Job city: Coimbra

Job company/institute: ADAI


Application deadline: 16 June 2021
(The Application’s deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description).

Presentation of the IMFire project at a workshop

As previously reported, the IMFire project was part of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd Workshop – Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects in the scope of Forest Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, which was held in three sessions on 30 April, 7 May and 14 May, 2021.

The book of abstracts that can be downloaded here [in Portuguese].

In the scope of this event, on the 7th May, the Principal Investigator Carlos Viegas made a presentation of the main developments obtained in the IMFire project until the date of the presentation.

The slides used can be found here.

The video of this session is available here. The mentioned presentation can be found between 2:11:49s and 2:24:00s.

News about the IMFire project in the Portuguese weekly newspaper “Sol”

On 15 May 2021, the magazine “Portugal em Destaque” of the weekly newspaper “Sol” reported the IMFire Project as one of the projects that places ADAI at the “forefront of research in wildfire prevention and firefighting “.

This news resulted from the partial transcription of an interview with the Project’s Principal Investigator.

This full news can be consulted here [in Portuguese].

2nd Workshop – Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects on Forest Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting [in Pt]

The IMFire Project is part of the Organising Committee of this Workshop. A presentation of the project will be held on 7 May.

Há cerca de um ano, em fevereiro de 2020, realizou-se em Coimbra, por iniciativa de um conjunto de investigadores, o 1º Workshop de projetos que foram aprovados no Concurso de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico no Âmbito da Prevenção e Combate a Incêndios Florestais de 2017, promovido pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Atualmente, muitos destes projetos encontram-se numa fase avançada de desenvolvimento. Por outro lado, existe uma nova série de projetos do mesmo concurso, do ano seguinte, 2018, que recentemente perfizeram um ano de execução.

No corrente ano, será realizada a 2ª edição do Workshop, onde 29 dos projetos destes dois concursos irão apresentar os desenvolvimentos e resultados conseguidos até ao momento. A organização do “2º Workshop – Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico no âmbito da Prevenção e Combate a Incêndios Florestais” é partilhada por alguns projetos que decorreram daqueles concursos promovidos pela FCT, nomeadamente os projetos FireStorm, FireFront, MCFire, House-Refuge e IMFire.

Neste ano de 2021, em que a saúde pública continua a condicionar as atividades de grande parte da sociedade, também a organização do Workshop se viu impedida de o realizar de forma presencial. Este Workshop decorrerá em formato online, via plataforma ZOOM, com três sessões distintas, dedicadas a três temas, tal como se apresenta no programa seguinte:

As três sessões do Workshop sobre Projetos ICDT no âmbito da Prevenção e Combate a Incêndios Florestais irão decorrer nos dias 30 de abril, 7 e 14 de maio. A participação neste Workshop é gratuita, mas carece de inscrição prévia que pode ser realizada em:

No caso de haver um excesso de inscrições, o Workshop será transmitido em direto no canal do CEIF no YouTube (

Para além do seu papel de coorganizador, o Projeto IMFire irá realizar uma apresentação que decorrerá pelas 11:45h do dia 07 de maio, integrada no tema “Comportamento do fogo e apoio à decisão”.
A apresentação será posteriormente disponibilizada no website do Projeto.

Os projetos que promovem esta iniciativa são financiados pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia


On December 13th, 2019, at the Laboratory of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI Headquarters), the kick-off meeting of the IMFire project was held.

This meeting, coordinated by Professor Carlos Viegas, who is the project’s principal researcher, was attended by all partners of the Consortium.

The objectives of this meeting consisted in the presentation of each partner and the elements engaged to the project, the communication of the administrative and technical rules, and the discussion of the overall project strategy.

The next tasks to be developed by each partner were also defined and scheduled.